Faculty Profile: Xiaorong Zhang

Xiaorong Zhang, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

Discipline: Embedded Systems, Human-Machine Interfaces

Office: SEIC 349

Phone: (415) 338-3946

Fax: (415) 338-0525

Email: xrzhang@sfsu.edu

Lab website: http://www.sfsu-icelab.org/

Xiaorong Zhang portrait


Ph.D., Computer Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2013

M.S., Computer Engineering, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, 2009

B.S., Computer Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2006


Dr. Xiaorong Zhang joined San Francisco State University (SFSU) in 2013 as a faculty member in computer engineering. She is the Director of the Intelligent Computing and Embedded Systems Laboratory (ICE Lab) at SFSU. She has broad research experience in human-machine interfaces, neural-controlled artificial limbs, embedded systems, and intelligent computing technologies. She is a recipient of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award to develop the next-generation neural-machine interfaces (NMI) for electromyography (EMG)-controlled neurorehabilitation.

She is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). She has served in the professional societies in various capacities including the Chair of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) San Francisco Chapter (2018-present), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Inside Signal Processing E-Newsletter (2016-2018), an Outreach Co-Chair of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Golden Gate Section (2017-2018), a Co-Chair of the Doctoral Consortium at 2014 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, a Program Committee Member of various international conferences, and a regular reviewer of a variety of journals and conferences in related fields.


News & Awards

SFSU Interdisciplinary Faculty Awarded the STEM-NET Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research SEED Grant 2022-23

SFSU Engineering Team Won Sony's Spresense Developer Challenge 2022 Grand Prize! Sept 2022

SoE Awarded $1M NSF HSI Grant to Strengthen Student Motivation and Resilience through Research and Advising, Sept 2021

ENGR Students Win the 1st Place Award in the CSU Student Research Competition, Apr 2020

Awarded a Grant to Acquire Acquire High Frequency Oscilloscope and Logic Stimulator & Analyzer, Aug 2020

SFSU ENGR Faculty received an NSF Major Research Instrument Award of $749,304 to Acquire New Automatic Test Equipment, Aug 2020

SFSU ENGR Faculty to undertake $233K Dept of Education's "Strengthening Pathways to Success in STEM (SP2S)" Project, Nov 2019

Dr. Xiaorong Zhang participated in the 2019 Google Faculty in Residence Program, July 2019

NSF Career Award for Next-Generation Neural-Machine Interfaces for Electromyography-Controlled Neurorehabilitation, 2018