AI-LAMP: AI Lab for Augmented Multimodal Perception
The vision of AMP-AI Research Lab is to pioneer groundbreaking research in the realm of augmented multimodal perception to build a future where AI-driven sensory augmentation empowers individuals to perceive and understand the world in unprecedented ways. The program aspires young researchers to contribute to the development of AI-driven technologies that expand the boundaries of human perception, enabling individuals to interact with and comprehend their environment in new and exciting ways.
Major Research Scopes:
- Multimodal, Cross-modal Learning Applications with Deep Neural Network
- Computer vision and Pattern Analysis
- Developing Cyber-physical Systems and the Internet of Things
- Multimedia and Digital Signal Processing Applications
Lab Director: Dr. Sanchita Ghose (sanchitaghose@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 404

Nano-Electronics and Computing Research Laboratory (NeCRL)
The research at NeCRL focuses on designing reliable, energy efficient, high performance, and secure computing circuits in emerging nanotechnologies. Nano-electronics has a great promise in delivering the ever-increasing demand for higher computational power set by increasing expansion of the information technology. However, there are power, reliability, and security challenges that need to be addressed.
Lab Director: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi (mahmoodi@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 318

Intelligent Computing and Embedded Systems Laboratory (ICE Lab)
The ICE Lab was established in 2014. The PI trains student researchers to conduct interdisciplinary research in human-machine interfaces and their applications such as neural-controlled artificial limbs and virtual reality rehabilitation systems. The research addresses the challenges in HMI designs mainly from a computer engineering perspective and aims to develop the next-generation HMIs and HMI applications by integrating grid sensing, machine learning, embedded systems, and various emerging computing technologies.
Lab Director: Dr. Xiaorong Zhang (xrzhang@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 313

Computational Structural Simulations and Additive Manufacturing Lab (CSSAM Lab)
The lab has a dual purpose:
- Computational Simulations: Using finite element programs (i.e. OpenSees, Real ESSI) as well as programs commonly used in industry (i.e. SAP2000), this lab provides verification and validation studies to understand the extent of current computational capabilities to capture realistic structural risk and hazard.
- Additive Manufacturing Lab: Creating designs and applications of additive manufacturing for use in civil engineering courses and outreach.
Lab Director: Dr. Jenna Wong (jewong@sfsu.edu)
Location: Trailer P1+P2

Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (RPL)
The RPL is an open-access, student-run makerspace that is open to all SFSU Engineering students and students within CoSE. This makerspace contains 4x Ultimaker 2+ & 2 Creality 3D printers, as well as 16 workstations complete with 3D modeling software including SolidWorks/Simulation and Fusion360. Trained volunteer students, known as superusers, keep the space open during regular semesters and provide technical advice.
Lab Director: Dr. Kwok Siong Teh (ksteh@sfsu.edu)
Location: SCI 109

Intelligent Structural Hazard Mitigation Laboratory (iSHM)
By exploring the fundamentals of structural dynamics and vibrations, the efforts of the lab are dedicated to establish a smart connected community for the safety and resilience of the structures and infrastructure subjected to various hazards. The laboratory holds two Quanser uniaxial bench-scale shake tables. The shake tables have been configured to be capable for tele-operation and tele-participation simultaneously, allowing remotely participate and conduct physical shake table experiments in real-time through multiple platforms such as smartphones, tablets, PC, Macintosh and Linux.
Lab Director: Dr. Zhaoshuo Jiang (zsjiang@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 320

Complex Fluids Lab
Our research goal is focused on uncovering the mechanisms involved in the formation of different flow structures in complex fluids such as polymer solutions, suspensions and emulsions particularly in milli- and micro-channels. Complex fluids exhibit some unusual flow patterns when under deformation due to flow. Such studies are particularly important in designing multi-functional materials and flow processes with applications in biomedical, aerospace and energy arena. The central approach to our work is computational fluid dynamics (CFD) combined with experimental techniques such as rheometry, optical microscopy and flow visualization.
Lab Director: Dr. Fatemeh Khalkhal (fkhal@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 315

Controls for Assistive and REhabilitation Robotics Lab (CARE Lab)
The CARE Lab focuses on designing and controlling novel wearable robotic systems with its common goal to improve the lives for people with limited mobility. Our research investigates the creation of both upper- and lower-limb low-cost, accessible wearable devices (e.g., powered prosthetics and exoskeletons) using innovative design and manufacturing techniques. We continue with developing human-inspired control strategies for ease of human-machine interaction. Lab members acquire engineering skills in the following areas that leads them toward successful careers in industry and/or graduate studies.
1. Design - Soft Robotics, Additive Manufacturing, Actuator Transmissions/Mechanism Design, and Biomechatronic Wearable Sensors
2. Controls - Nonlinear & Adaptive Controls, Dynamic System Modeling for Robot Simulators, System Identification, Optimization, Human Biomechanics and Clinical Experimentation
Lab Director: Dr. David Quintero (qdavid@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 313

SFSU-Bioelectronics Lab
The research goals of the SFSU Bioelectronics Lab are to develop low-power, high-speed, energy-efficiency and small form-factor integrated circuit systems for biomedical and bio-inspired computing systems.
Lab Director: Dr. Hao Jiang (jianghao@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 318

Industrial Assessment Center (IAC)
The Industrial Assessment Center at SFSU (IAC-SFSU) serves the needs of small and medium-sized manufacturers in the Bay Area by providing cost free engineering assessments related to energy, waste, and productivity.
IAC-SFSU is funded by the Advanced Manufacturing Office, under the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EREE) of the Department of Energy (DOE). Since its inception in 1992, IAC-SFSU has conducted assessments at over 500 industrial facilities. The DOE grant financing the operation of the center has been recently renewed for the 2017-2021 period.
Center Director: Dr. Ahmad R. Ganji (aganji@sfsu.edu)
Location: SCI 205

Biomechatronics Research Lab (BRL)
The primary goal of Dr. Azadi's lab (Biomechatronics Research Laboratory) is developing sensitive and quantitative biomechanical assessment instrumentation to detect subtle changes in soft biological materials (i.e. soft tissues and cells) caused by biological factors, medications and medical interventions.
Atomic Force Microscopy Facility: afm.sfsu.edu
Lab Director: Dr. Mojtaba Azadi (Azadi@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 316

Mobile and Intelligent Computing Laboratory (MIC Lab)
The MIC Lab performs research in efficient mobile computing, deep learning acceleration, and distributed edge computing. A key focus of MIC Lab is to achieve computational acceleration for deep learning on low-power mobile devices. Our research addresses the efficiency, reliability, and security challenges in both the algorithm design and application development to create intelligent mobile edge computing system.
Lab Director: Dr. Zhuwei Qin (zwqin@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 313

Gator Engineering Education Research Lab (GEER Lab)
The GEER Lab seeks to understand how we can equip future engineers with the knowledge, skills, and mindsets to create just and responsible engineering solutions and broaden views of who can be a successful engineer and what successful engineering looks like. Our research projects focus on topics such as the integration of sociotechnical teaching into core engineering courses; students and professional engineers’ views of ethics and social responsibility; asset-based approaches to support low-income and first-generation engineering students; engineering identity development; social justice and engineering; sustainable engagement with communities; and electrical engineering pedagogies.
Lab Director: Dr. Stephanie Claussen (sclaussen@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 314

Personalized Health and Assistive Technologies Laboratory (PHAST Lab)
The PHAST Lab explores the design and development of personalized accessible technologies. Our work focuses on the following areas of research:
- Human-robot interaction, particularly with socially assistive robots
- Community-based design and development of assistive technologies
- Continual and long-term human-centered machine learning
Lab Director: Dr. Alyssa Kubota (akubota@sfsu.edu)
Location: SEC 404