November 25, 2019
Collaboratively proposed by Skyline College and San Francisco State University (SFSU), the Strengthening Pathways to Success in STEM (SP2S) project is a cooperative Title V project funded by the Department of Education. This project is carefully designed to increase persistence, retention, transfer, and graduation for Hispanic and low-income engineering students through stringing the infrastructure at Skyline and implementing collaborative activities with SFSU. Leading by the PI and Co-PIs, Drs. Wenshen Pong, Cheng Chen, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Zhaoshuo Jiang and Xiaorong Zhang, the SP2S team at SFSU will utilize an adaptive approach that blends system-drive intervention, highly intensive student-centered support, and the adoption of empirically validated teaching practices to support underrepresented students in STEM fields. The five-year project starts in 2019 with the funding support of $233K.

The SP2S faculty team at SFSU (from left to right: Drs. Cheng Chen, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Xiaorong Zhang, and Wenshen Pong)