David Quintero, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Graduate Coordinator
Discipline: Robotics & Controls
Office: SEIC 350
Email: qdavid@sfsu.edu
Research Lab Website: CARE Lab

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
Research Interests
- Robotics
- Dynamic Modeling & Controls
- Mechatronics
- Prostheses & Orthoses Design
- Rehabilitation Engineering
- Human Biomechanics
- Wearable Sensors
Dr. Quintero is the Director of the Controls for Assistive and REhabilitation Robotics Lab (CARE Lab) that has ambitious research goals to develop wearable robotic technologies (e.g., powered prostheses and exoskeletons) that allow people with mobility impairment such as amputation or stroke to regain their biomechanic motion they have lost or enhance mobility for humans with healthy conditions. He and his research students investigate novel design approaches of hybrid wearable actuators & sensory systems and create human-machine control strategies for wearable robotic devices. His previous research work entailed the mechanical design and real-time control of a robotic leg for above-knee amputees. His research lab is continuing that work as well as advancing the design and control of powered exoskeletons for stroke patients. He is a frequent reviewer for IEEE and ASME robotics and controls conference/journal publications. He teaches mechatronics/robotics and controls courses at SFSU. He is proud to serve as the faculty advisor to SFSU student organizations such as the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and the Solar Electric Vehicle Team.
Lauren Gan was one of several students joining Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering David Quintero’s lab to work on an exoskeleton glove project under the guidance of a graduate student already in the lab. Now an SF State Mechanical Engineering major, Gan is continuing to work in Quintero’s lab doing independent research to optimize the group’s latest iteration of the exo glove. Their device provides structural support for patients with hand weakness due to injuries or disabilities like paralysis from spinal cord injury or stroke.
- CARE Lab Student Lauren Gan Prestigious Undergraduate Research Award, May 2023
- SoE Awarded $1M NSF HSI Grant to Strengthen Student Motivation and Resilience through Research and Advising, Sept 2021
- Dr. Quintero received the CSUPERB New Investigator Grant Award for Stroke Rehabilitation Robotics, May 2021
- SFSU ENGR Faculty received an NSF Major Research Instrument Award of $749,304 to Acquire New Automatic Test Equipment, Aug 2020
- Awarded a Grant to Acquire Acquire High Frequency Oscilloscope and Logic Stimulator & Analyzer, Aug 2020
- Dr. Quintero and collaborators received the Dr. Kenneth Fong Translational Award Towards Enhancing In-Home Therapy Care, Sept 2020