Timothy D'Orazio, Ph.D.
Civil Engineering Program Head &
Professor of Civil Engineering
Discipline: Geotechnical & Earthquake
Office: SEIC 348
Phone: (415) 338-2262
Fax: (415) 338-0525
Email: tdorazio@sfsu.edu

Ph.D. Civil Engineering, U.C. Berkeley 1982
M.S.E. Civil Engineering, Univ of Michigan, 1976
B.S.E. Civil Engineering, Univ of Michigan, 1975
Dr. Timothy D'Orazio's areas of specialization within geotechnical engineering are computer methods in geotechnical engineering, constitutive modeling, finite element analysis, foundations for flexible structures and offshore engineering.
He has practical experience in having worked for geotechnical consulting firms in the U.S. He was a postdoctorate fellow and consultant to the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. He was a research fellow at the Public Works Research Institute in Japan.
He was awarded the Arthur M. Wellington Prize from ASCE along with J. M. Duncan for work on the settlement of oil storage tanks (which are flexible structures). He has developed numerous computer programs for geotechnical analysis. These programs have been used for designing major engineering structures on 5 continents. He is the author of numerous articles in the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Journal. At the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, he worked on the geotechnical design of many offshore structures.
He is coauthor of the text "C Programming for Engineering and Computer Science" with H.H. Tan, published by McGraw-Hill.