By Julianna Enriquez | April 25, 2024

Dr. Stephanie Claussen, Assistant Professor, Computer/ Electrical Engineering
How has your time as a faculty member at SFSU been?
It's been great! A lot of hard work, but it has been so fun getting to know our students.
Any advice you’d give to students?
- Learning is an ACTIVE process. You need to be doing something to learn - taking notes, working on problems, talking with your classmates, arguing with your classmates, making mistakes. If you aren't doing something, you aren't learning.
- Learn to study *effectively.* There are better ways to study and worse ways. Learn to study the right way.
- The most effective way of learning may not be the way that you "like" to learn. (Learning styles has actually been debugged, by the way - just because you think you're a visual learner or an auditory learner doesn't actually mean that is the best way for you to learn.) Learning isn't meant to be comfortable - it's meant to challenge you and stretch you and grow your neuron connections.
- Get some sleep. Our brains do better when we get sleep!
Looking back, how would you describe yourself when you were a college student?
Current: Driven. Lots of interests. Balanced approach to my work and non-work life.
As a college student: Driven. Even more interests. Less balanced approach to my school and non-school life. :-)
What do you do outside work?
Run. Run after my kids. Bike. Read. Listen to podcasts. Being outside. Camping. Hiking.
What dish would you bring to a potluck?
Chocolate chip peanut butter cookies
If you were to be stuck as an animal for the rest of your life what would you be?
A dog, of course!
Any talents or surprising hobbies that might shock people?
I'll be doing a triathlon in about a month - my last one was a decade ago! I also studied Mandarin for 2.5 years during grad school.
If you could choose a dream birthday itinerary what would you do?
Coffee out at a coffee shop with a book. Brunch with my husband, followed by a hike. Movie night with my kids.
Is it better to regret something you have done or have not done?
This is a hard one! I am a little afraid of having regrets in my life, so I try to take opportunities as they come. I guess that means it's better to regret having done something than not having done something.
Have you regretted anything you have/haven’t done in your life?
I have a friend who says, "If you're happy where you are, don't regret how you got there." I'm happy with where I am in work and in life, so I try not to focus on any regrets!