Dr. Wenshen Pong leads team at SFSU Engineering to undertake $233K Dept of Education's "Strengthening Pathways to Success in STEM (SP2S)" project
Collaboratively proposed by Skyline College and San Francisco State University (SFSU), the Strengthening Pathways to Success in STEM (SP2S) project is a cooperative Title V project funded by the Department of Education. This project is carefully designed to increase persistence, retention, transfer, and graduation for Hispanic and low-income engineering students through stringing the infrastructure at Skyline and implementing collaborative activities with SFSU. Leading by the PI and Co-PIs, Drs. Wenshen Pong, Cheng Chen, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Zhaoshuo Jiang and Xiaorong Zhang, the SP2S team at SFSU will utilize an adaptive approach that blends system-drive intervention, highly intensive student-centered support, and the adoption of empirically validated teaching practices to support underrepresented students in STEM fields. The five-year project starts in 2019 with the funding support of $233K.

The SP2S faculty team at SFSU (from left to right: Drs. Cheng Chen, Zhaoshuo Jiang, Fatemeh Khalkhal, Xiaorong Zhang, and Wenshen Pong)