CSU Research Competition – 1st Place

Alec Maxwell, a senior Civil Engineering undergraduate student, represented San Francisco State University in the larger CSU-wide research competition hosted at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on April 28-29, 2017. Alec came home with the 1st place in the engineering and computer science category. His research titled "Innovative Mobile Remote Shake Table Laboratory" utilizes mobile technology and telepresence robot to provide students ubiquitous access to exciting experiments through smart portable devices (e.g. smartphone, tablets) without the need of being physically present in the laboratory. Alec has been working on research projects with Prof. Zhaoshuo Jiang in the Intelligent Structural Hazard Mitigation Laboratory at the School of Engineering since his junior year and has co-authored several papers in prestigious conferences which is not typically seen in a student at his level. He will continue his graduate study with Prof. Jiang starting in Fall 2017.