Yiyi Wang, Ph. D.
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Discipline: Transportation Planning & Engineering
Office: SEIC 333
Phone: (415) 405-3956
Email: yiyiwang@sfsu.edu

Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 2013
M.S., Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 2009
B.S., Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, 2006
Hello! I am an assistant professor of civil engineering. Prior to joining SFSU, I was an assistant professor (tenured) at Montana State University – Bozeman. My research focuses on the nexus between mapping, information technology, and transportation and published my interdisciplinary work in journals such as Accident Analysis & Prevention, Journal of Transportation Geography, and Annuals of Regional Science. My projects have been supported by the Federal Highway Administration, Electric Power Research Institute, and the Montana Department of Transportation. I also serve on the Transportation Research Board (TRB) ABJ80 Statistical Analysis committee and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) panel.
At MSU, I co-advised the Institute of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter and received a number of awards such as the MSU Faculty Excellence Grant and the American Association of Geographers’ Garrison Award for Best Dissertation in Computational Geography. I am the newly appointed faculty co-adviser, along with Professor Xiaorong Zhang, for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) at SFSU. I am looking for highly-motivated undergraduate and graduate students to work with on super exciting projects for the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are interested, shoot me an email. I am happy to connect!