Lecturer Faculty, School of Engineering
Discipline: Dynamics and Control
Office: HH 808B
Email: lmazmanyan@sfsu.edu

Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Santa Clara University, 2018.
M.Eng. in Industrial Engineering & Systems Management, American University of Armenia, 2005.
M.S. in Mechanics, Yerevan State University, 2001.
Lilit Mazmanyan received her Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from Santa Clara University (SCU) in 2018. She is a Packard Research Engineering Fellow. Her research focused on attitude dynamics and fuzzy control of a spacecraft with fuel sloshing. During doctoral study she served as a research and teaching assistant at Mechanical Engineering department at SCU, and she completed her internship with Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies (SGT) at NASA Ames Research Center, Intelligent Systems Division.
Prior to doctoral study, Lilit was a research associate in sequencing and scheduling and a lecturer in industrial engineering and systems management in College of Sciences and Engineering at American University of Armenia. She also served as a junior researcher in the department of Mathematics and Mechanics at Yerevan State University, where she studied the stability and optimal control of the mechanical systems, vibration control and differential game theory applied to elastic bodies.
In Fall 2019, she joined the School of Engineering at San Francisco State University as a part-time faculty. Her current research interests include multibody dynamics, nonlinear, optimal, and intelligent control of mechanical systems.